The ultimate handbook for every BONE fan! Includes character profiles, a timeline of events, interviews with creator Jeff Smith and colorist Steve Hamaker, a showcase of cover art from the original BONE editions, a behind-the-scenes look at how the Scholastic editions were colorized, and other fun stuff!
I have been a huge Bone and Jeff Smith fan since it appeared in the early 1990’s. Scholastic has done a fantastic job at bringing this beloved and highly awarded series to a younger audience.
2010 promises long awaited reissues and new BONE graphic novels by Jeff Smith through Scholastic. To start of the new releases, BONE : Handbook has been released. This new edition is packed full of comics, character profiles, mythology, interviews, recipes, trivia and a whole lot more in glorious full color pages.
While this is not a fully engaging BONE graphic novel, it sure is a lot of fun packed into a small package. BONE fans both young and the “young at heart” will find this new title a must have for their collection.
This is the type of graphic book I will probably read more than once as I await upcoming BONE stories and also use it as a refresher when the new titles arrive. If you have not read the BONE series before then you might want to skip this title for now and pick it up after reading the entire series since it is packed full of spoilers.
The BONE: Handbook is a great addition to an already wonderful series.