Luciana V

  • Books
    Way Of The Warrior Kid Marc’s Mission By Jocko Willink

    Don’t judge a book by its cover is the first thing that Luciana V would tell you about Way Of The Warrior Kid Marc’s Mission By Jocko Willink. She figured this would be more of a boy book based on the cover, but when she took the time to read it she...

  • Books
    Crafty Cat And The Great Butterfly Battle by Charise Mericle Harper

    Crafty Cat And The Great Butterfly Battle by Charise Mericle Harper is Crafty Cat (Volume 3) from First Second and it is a fun book with some activities in it. The other nice thing about the book is that is helps teach a lesson while being entertaining. Get your paws ready for...

  • Books
    Bob By Wendy Mass And Rebecca Stead

    Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead is one of those children’s books that we all should read, even better if you read it while your child is reading it and then discuss it with them. Bob is really that wonderful and Luciana V just consumed this book. She went into bed...

  • Books
    Time Twisters Abraham Lincoln Pro Wrestler By Steve Sheinkin

    Luciana V had a smile on her face before she even started reading the book as she looked at the cover and the title of the book. Everyone in the house was interested in seeing Abraham Lincoln as a pro wrestler. WARNING: DO NOT BELIEVE THE STORY YOU’RE ABOUT TO READ. Well,...

  • Books
    Time Twisters Abigail Adams Pirate Of The Caribbean By Steve Sheinkin

    The Time Twisters series was a fun read for Luciana V and she was very happy to talk about the book. WARNING: DO NOT BELIEVE THE STORY YOU’RE ABOUT TO READ. Well, you can believe some of it. There is some real history. But also hijinks. Time travel. And famous figures setting...

  • Books
    Today I’ll Be a Unicorn By Dana Simpson

    We are huge Phoebe and Her Unicorn fans in this house so even though this board book is not in our age range, all of us still had to read it and look at the wonderful pictures. Not only does it have some of our favorite characters it also has pizza! Luciana...

  • Books
    My Life in Smiley: It’s All Good By Anne Kalicky

    My Life in Smiley: It’s All Good By Anne Kalicky A fun book that Luciana V consumed with delight with its fun illustrations and recognizable emoticons that kids are enamored with. Follow the middle school misadventures of Max, as recorded in his hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid–style journal that is unconventionally...

  • Books
    Bad Mermaids Make Waves By Sibéal Pounder

    Bad Mermaids Make Waves By: Sibéal Pounder Illustrator: Jason Cockcroft Luciana V loved this book and had to show everyone how funny and cool chapter 5 was. While she really was enthralled by the adventure part of the book, she also enjoys humor so the combination of both had her excited to...

  • Books
    Unicorn of Many Hats By Dana Simpson

    If there is one series that we are currently reading that gets everyone in the house excited it is Phoebe and her Unicorn Adventures and we were all amped up for Unicorn of Many Hats by Dana Simpson to arrive. The first day is rather rough, the book changes hands a lot,...

  • Books
    The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels, Vol. 4: The Double-Dog Dare!

    The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels, Vol. 4: The Double-Dog Dare! by author Tony Penn and illustrator Brian Martin was thumbs up read that wrapped some life lessons in a fun story. Luciana loved the book and as parents we enjoyed seeing the Tips & Questions section at the end of the book...

  • Books
    New Shoes By Sara Varon

    “New Shoes” By Sara Varon hits a soft spot in our house as we all love shoes, each and every one of us, so we knew that this graphic novel was going to get picked up and read rather quickly. The characters that Sara Varon has created are unique and the artwork...

  • Books
    Fix-It Friends Eyes On The Prize By Nicole C. Kear

    The “Fix-It Friends” Series has now become one of the household favorites and while she had already read one of the series, when this book showed up it immediately moved to the top of the pile on the “to read” list. The series focuses on things and events that your child may...

  • Books
    Raffie On The Run By Jacqueline Resnick

    Raffie On The Run by Jacqueline Resnick and illustrated by Joe Sutphin makes our review list as a fun book that gives us an adventure where friendship is important. The Roaring Brook Press book entices you in with a great cover and delivers on well liked characters with a fun story. The...

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