Douglas Cobb

  • Books
    Albert of Adelaide by Howard L. Anderson – review – Douglas R. Cobb

    Do you like reading fantasy novels featuring talking animals? If you’re like me, you do. I had never read any featuring ones from Australia before I discovered Howard L. Anderson’s mesmerizing and fantastically fun novel, Albert of Adelaide, though. Well, not unless you count Winnie the Pooh, which has the kangaroos Kanga...

  • Books
    Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake – Review

    Months ago, Anna Korlov opened a door to Hell and disappeared, but ghost hunter Cas Lowood can’t move on. That’s because Anna, the most fierce and powerful ghost that the first-person, present-tense narrator, Cas, had ever meet before that time, was different from the others. She could have easily killed him but...

  • Books
    Fair Coin by E.C. Myers – Review

    If you had the power to change the future, would you? What choices would you make, what wishes would you chose to make come true? These are the sorts of questions that face teenager Ephraim Scott in the engrossing, page-turning initial novel of his Urban Fantasy/SF “Coin” series, Fair Coin. Nobody’s life...

  • Books
    Article 5 by Kristen Simmons – review

    Article 5 by Kristen Simmons is an excellent science fiction look into a dystopian future where the United States is radically different from it is today. After a war, certain basic rights that Americans had been granted under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been repealed, and replaced with other...

  • Books
    Hades: Lord of the Dead by George O’Connor – review

    I love reading about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, and have enjoyed reading about myths since I was a kid. The Olympians series brings the main figures of mythology to vibrant life as cartoons. These volumes by First Second and George O’Connor have reinvigorated my interest in mythology, and are sure...

  • Books
    Last Rite by Lisa Desrochers – review

    Torn between hot Celestials and hot Infernals, Frannie Cavanaugh’s soul has been waged over by the forces of Heaven and of Hell. What is it about her, what sets her apart and distinguishes her, that would cause an Infernal to give up his place of honor in Hell and become a human,...

  • Books
    Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Nintendo 3DS – review

    Metal Gear fans, you’ve played all of the incarnations of this series so far, and have loved ’em all–but have you played Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D for the Nintendo 3DS yet? If not, do so! It’s possibly the best of them all ! I’ll go into a few reasons WHY...

  • Reviews
    Kinect Dance Central 2 for the XBox – review

    I’ve reviewed another dancing game here in the past, Country Dance for the Wii, and I’ve played others, like the Michael Jackson Experience one and Just Dance 2, both for the Wii. How does Kinect Dance Central 2 for the XBox rate when stacked up against these other games? Is it worth...

  • Books
    The Galahad Legacy by Dom Testa – review

    The thrilling concluding science fiction novel, number 6 in Dom Testa’s best-selling Galahad series, is finally here! It’s called The Galahad Legacy, and it continues the dystopia outer space series of 251 teenagers, the last and best hope for the survival of the human race, aboard the spaceship Galahad. The adventure that...

  • Books
    The Highest Frontier by Joan Slonczewski – review

    If you’re looking for a fantastic science fiction novel that will appeal to both teens and young adults (and up) The Highest Frontier by Joan Slonczewski is a novel written just for you! It’s Slonczewski’s first novel in 10 years, the last one being The Children Star. It’s also the first time...

  • Reviews
    Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS – review

    Drive, dive, and glide to victory with Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS, perhaps the best (handheld) Mario Kart game ever! I’m hedging when I say “handheld,” but when you play with friends or people from around the world, I still prefer to play any Mario Kart game using your TV...

  • Reviews
    Beyblade: Metal Masters for the Nintendo DS – review

    If you’re lookin’ for an explosion of all-new Beyblade battle action, look no further than the new Konami produced, Hudson Soft directed game for the Nintendo DS, Beyblade: Metal Masters! In this game inspired by the Beyblade action TV series, you take on 37 different characters and learn to “master the metal...

  • Reviews
    Kinect Sports: Season Two for the Xbox 360 – review

    One of the most anticipated sports games ever for the Kinect Xbox 360 line of games has to be the recently released Kinect Sports: Season Two. It’s fun, exciting, and a great way to challenge your friends/family members and get in some exercise at the same time! But, does it have the...

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