We have another new episode of Wiggle and Learn, “My Body,” that will be available on their YouTube Channel on Thursday, August 8th. Viewers will be able to watch everyone do “The Hokie Pokie” and then on to The Wiggles version of Jeopardy! – “Simon’s General Knowledge Show,”
where Anthony and Evie answers questions about the body. They then sing the classic “head, shoulder, knees, and toes” before they learn about Henry the Octopus and his tentacles. There is much more with some fun classic segments from Wiggle and Learn and more singing and dancing. Make sure to tune in and watch the 30-minute episode of Wiggle and Learn, “My Body.”
The Wiggles, the world’s most popular children’s entertainment group, are delighted to announce that their upcoming new episode of Wiggle and Learn, “My Body,” will drop on their YouTube Channel on Thursday, August 8. Children will join Lachy, Simon, Anthony, John, Caterina, Lucia, Tsehay, Evie, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags The Dog and Henry the Octopus as they learn about their bodies.
The episode opens with a grooving rendition of “The Hokie Pokie” as The Wiggles ensemble directs children to “put one foot in, and one foot out.” Tsehay’s “Hello” song performance leads us right into The Wiggles version of Jeopardy! – “Simon’s General Knowledge Show.” Contestants Anthony and Evie are challenged to figure out “How Well Do You Know Your Body?” Questions like “Can you put your hands on your head?” and “Can you put your hands on your shoulders?” are asked. Poor Anthony keeps getting it wrong. However, Simon reassures him that that’s OK. “We’re here to have fun and learn together.” Afterwards, Simon and the rest of The Wiggles team lead children into the classic “head, shoulder, knees, and toes” ditty.
Simon then sings the familiar and popular Wiggle and Learn song, “Here’s What We’re Doing Today” which is “learn about your body with me.” And it’s not just the human body we learn about…we learn about our favorite octopus. Caterina and Henry the Octopus are learning about his tentacles, how many he has, and how versatile they are, and we even see real octopi living in their habitat, the sea, via video from inside the deep blue ocean. The lesson ends when Tsehay sings the catchy tune with the rest of The Wiggles ensemble “Henry Likes Water.”
Then it’s a Wiggles classic as Dorothy, Wags and Captain Feathersword join the rest of The Wiggles gang to sing and dance to “Can You Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?” Lucia sings “What’s in the Craft Box Today?” where she and Shirley Shawn the Unicorn unveil pencils and paper, and children watch them trace their hands and then color them in!
The Wiggles sing “Open Shut Them, Open Shut Them” prompting children to open their hands, clap their hands, creep them, and other fun hand movements. Simon plays a fun game of “Simon’s Funny Faces” asking children to follow him to “make their lips pout,” “show your front teeth,” “show your bottom lip,” and other funny face contortions.
Enjoy all this fun and more sprinkled with classic segments from Wiggle and Learn, like counting from 1 to 20 with Henry the Octopus and reciting the alphabet from A to Z (or, as our friends say, Zed) with Anthony!
“My Body” has a running time of 30 minutes. Like all the Wiggle and Learn series episodes, it explores crucial early childhood themes, offering a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for young learners.
Wiggle and Learn features enriching educational content for preschoolers focused on learning through the joy of music and play. As always, The Wiggles show their mastery of edu-tainment. Wiggle and Learn draws from contemporary thinking in early childhood learning, with content that fosters active participation and engagement to generate the best learning experience. Wiggle and Learn has been produced with audience engagement in mind, with primarily close-up shots, so children feel like The Wiggles are speaking directly and only to them.
Children and parents can enjoy prior Wiggle and Learn episodes currently on the YouTube channel, including “Animals”, “Rhyming & Airplanes”, “Learn About Transport”, “Let’s Eat”, “Fun Exercise”, “Bedtime Routine”, “Preparing for Preschool” (featuring Miss Rachel), “Toddler Learning Video”, “Learn About Emotions”, “Playtime with Dolls”, “Fun with Fitness”, “Colors” and “Musical Dynamics”.