Dora the Explorer returns in a new CG animated series, DORA, streaming on Paramount+ on April 12th, and we had the opportunity to speak with Quintún Muñoz who plays Benny. We find out if he has anything in common with his character, what the hardest part of doing the show is, what show from Nickelodeon he would want to guest star on, what other activities he has outside of acting and much more. Quintún did a great job with the interview, and we really learned a lot about the show and his character. The new DORA series brings these classic (and updated) characters to a new generation and Quintún Muñoz as the character of Benny, is along for the adventure.
Quintún Muñoz talks with us about his role as Benny on the new DORA series that brings Dora the Explorer (and friends) to a new generation.
Paramount+ celebrates the triumphant return of iconic Latina heroine Dora the Explorer with the original preschool series DORA this month.
Thanks to Quintún Muñoz for talking about his role as Benny on DORA with us!