We are hearing a little more about 101 Dalmatian Street, with two different countries releasing some promos of the new show. We love that it is going to be set in London like the original book and film’s location unlike 101 Dalmatians: The Series which was in the US. While the Dalmatians live by themselves as they have a rich owner that is on an island, it does seem that Cruella may make an appearance at some point, or at least we hope that is what will happen.
There are going to be a bunch of different puppies with parents Doug and Delilah who both have their own puppies from pervious marriages. The puppies names will all start with the letter “D” and have all sorts of different personalities. The other supporting roles will include a cat, a fox, other dogs, and a rat from what we have heard. This house is going to be pretty awesome as it has all sorts of cool things to try to help the dogs, and we feel like that will cause all sort of fun situations.
You can see the French preview below:
#101DalmatianStreet promo from Disney Channel France the show will debut the following day after its German debut the promo features character art of some of the siblings as well Dolly and Dylan!
You can see the German preview below:
December 15 you get a early sneak peek at some puppies with spots! on Disney Channel EMEA the biggest, messiest family comedy you could imagine! coming to EMEA UK, Spain on December 15th and Steven Universe Fans you might want to hear a familiar voice for Dolly!
The show should be released in Europe before we see a US release, and it all seems to be happening in 2019 for the US. It seems like it will start showing in Europe this month.