Hunter Fischer is an actor, a philanthropist and is always looking to help others. We got a chance to talk to Hunter about his work both on and off the screen. He is currently playing Joey in the Hickok movie.
BSCKids: Hunter, tell us a bit about your character in Hickok? How much fun was it to work on a western?
Hunter Fischer: I play Joey in the film which is based in the 1870’s. My mom played by Cameron Richardson is worried because I idolize Wild Bill Hickok, who she does think is a good role model. It was amazing to work on several of the famous western sets.
BSCKids: Who has taught you the most about acting while working on this film?
Hunter Fischer: I probably would say Mr. Tim, he always has very good advice.
BSCKids: Any behind the scenes stories you can share with us?
Hunter Fischer: Director Woodward, who has directed three of My motion pictures, has taken me under his wing and I sometimes I sit with the director during shooting. I sometimes get to take notes from Woodward over to actors. One time, I recall, that when I had been helping Woodward so much during the filming of “American Violence,” that Dern reacted. He said: ‘I’m not doing another scene until Hunter yells action.’ I thought that was pretty awesome.
BSCKids: Is there anyone that you would really love to work with in the future?
Hunter Fischer: I would have to say Clint Eastwood. I think he is amazing he acts, directs, and produces.
BSCKids: Tell us a bit about your early career in acting.
Hunter Fischer: I started in the doing pageants when I was very young and when I won the highest title in the nation I was approached by an agency and that is where it all started. I did 2 PSA’s at the age of 4.
BSCKids: Are there any celebrities or sports figures you really want to meet?
Hunter Fischer: Chris Pratt, and Devin Booker
BSCKids: If you could guest star on any television show right now which one would it be and why?
Hunter Fischer: The Flash I like the excitement in the show and I would love to act like I can run at the speed of light.
BSCKids: What hobbies do you have?
Hunter Fischer: I enjoy riding Motocross, surfing, working out, playing video games, and hanging out with my family
BSCKids: Where can we find you on social media?
Hunter Fischer: Website: www.hunterfischer.com
Facebook: Hunter Fischer
Instagram: hunterfischer
Twitter: @hunterfischer5
IMBD: Hunter Fischer

BSCKids: What is currently playing on your iPod?
Hunter Fischer: Cody Johnson-Diamonds in my Pockets
BSCKids: Are you a Video Gamer? Tell us your favorite game, your favorite gaming moment, what game you are looking forward to coming out.
Hunter Fischer: Call of Duty Black Ops 2 my favorite gaming moment is when I got 40 kills with 30 deaths. I am really looking forward to Call of Duty WW II coming out
BSCKids: Since you are home schooled, what do you think the benefits are and what do you miss out on?
Hunter Fischer: I feel like you defiantly get a better education and you miss out on just hanging with kids of your own age.
BSCKids: We see you do a lot of Philanthropy work, tell us about that.
Hunter Fischer: I truly support any charity that has to do with our Military and Veterans
BSCKids: For someone getting into the business, what advice would you have for kids trying to make it?
Hunter Fischer: First I would tell them to always stay grounded, remember where you came from. 2nd don’t loose yourself in this business, it is super easy to do and always stay humble.
BSCKids: We see you have a lot of upcoming projects, what are you most excited about and what can you tell us about your work coming up?
Hunter Fischer: I just finished filming a feature film called Life with Dog with a amazing cast of Corbin Bernsen, Marilu Henner, and Chelsey Crisp. Also working with producers Henry Penze and Chris Nicoletti which I have worked with several times in the past.
BSCKids: Why should everyone be going out to watch Hickok?
A lot of amazing people is in the movie and it is bringing back something I enjoy myself, the Westerns of yesterday.
Special thanks to Hunter and make sure to check him out in Hickok as well as look into the great charity work he is doing.