Or in less words; Darkwing Duck has arrived back in comic form.
But the former is more fun. And when dealing with Darkwing playing with alliterations tends to, just happen. Never mind it is fun. Should apologize now, because odds are there will be a lot of word play.
Also, warning of spoilers for the Darkwing comics below!
At the start of February of last year, Joe Books released Darkwing Duck: The Definitely Dangerous Edition. An impressive four-hundred plus page omnibus acted as a effortless and exciting reintroduction for readers. With new revisions to the narrative, and updates to the art. Darkwing was once more ready to take on any new adventures that awaited him.
Good thing too. When it comes to the various villainous masterminds devising devilish deeds there is no short supply to be found in Saint Canard. In retrospect when Drake dawned Darkwing again he probably had no idea what would happen. But is that not half the fun of it all?
Just in the tales featured in the omnibus a lot of craziness, daring do and great passion. It feels like a seamless addition to the original animated series. Goes to show that something will never waver even with time.
But as thrilling as life had become for Drake during the course of the previous arcs, it might just be the warm-up.
Typically, the first issue of any series starts out the same. A slow and steady introduction of characters and themes as they set the stage. Purple is the New Orange, the first arc in the new series, throws that out the window. From the moment the story starts it is already going full speed ahead.
Because when you start with a hijinks a la Megavolt on a parade float the tone is set.
In the first issue, we get glimpse that captures the duelling dynamics that make up Drake’s life. The action packed battles and dealings with S.H.U.S.H. As well as more mundane attributes in short spending any amount of time with the Muddlefoots. It is a great way of embodying the two side of Drake’s ‘normal’ life.
But that is only part of the story. In the meanwhile, the Saint Canard prison is preparing for their ribbon cutting festivities. With the notion that it is escape proof being critical and captivating for citizens. An event not only open to the general public. But also a school trip for Gosalyn, Honker and their classmates.
Feeling more than displeased that he was not asked to do the honors. After all Darkwing was the one responsible for sending some of said inmates there. Darkwing ventures to the prison. With great timing at that. Before he can finish his traditional entrance Negaduck’s chaos cuts him off. But before Darkwing can take any action against Negaduck it is too late. The prison is on lockdown and all the villains are free and their gazes locked on Darkwing. In the meanwhile Gosalyn, who is looking for her friend Mortimer, finds herself in the mites of game.
The following issues build onto the ‘little game’ Negaduck has issued. All the villains from Darkwing’s past and present attempt their revenge. From Liquidator, Muckduck, Lilliput, and naturally Negaduck to name a few. All this leads up to a thrilling climax. One that you need to read, and see, for yourselves.
This is one of those instances where there is a lot to say. But it simply is something worth reading for one’s self. It is not something I say a lot, but in this case it is something you have to jump into.
It has been a while since we have seen Darkwing in action, and this was a grand way to kick things off. Seeing all the villains Darkwing has faced not only together, but at once was somewhat mind-blowing. Thinking back to the first episode of the series highlights just how far Darkwing has come. Plus, it was great to see some of the villains that have not been given a lot of attention featured.
It came across as something straight from the screen. As I was reading insidiously I was able to hear the characters as they spoke. Aaron Sparrow nails everyone’s characterizations down. Also offers great storytelling just as he has always done. James Silvani art is magnificent as always. I love how the art in unison with the writing makes me always feel like I am watching the series. I can only image how many hand cramps where caused by the crowd scenes.
Got to give them both a hand as well as the other talented people working on the daring duck’s adventures.
Be sure to check out the monthly Darkwing Duck comic series by Joe Books. Be sure to pick-up your copies wherever comics, or eBooks, are sold.
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