With the Disney-centric expo known as D23 always brings a great array of news in regards to endeavors fans have known of for a while as well as new developments. Needless to say that there is a lot to talk, dissect and look forward to. From the new slate of Pixar Films, updates to several of Disney popular games, additions to the parks and so much more. I think saying hyped is by no means more than an understatement in regards to everything. The internet is greatly animated with collective chatter filled with the wonder that only Disney can enchant.
With so much news being thrown in the general direction seemingly everyone found something of great interest resulting in levels of fangirling or fanboying. As one can assume you can easily find any number of articles on a wide arrange of what was featured at D23. So rather than going on about something that is being highly covered, and with every right, I really wanted to focus in on something a little more obscure.
To be more specific a new brand known as Star Darlings.
Star Darlings has been a project in the works since 2011 hemmed by the likes of Ahmet Zappa, his wife Shana Muldoon Zappa and Barry Waldo. If that last name sounds familiar it may be due in part to his former role of VP of worldwide entertainment at the power-house company known as Mattel. After the years filled with development the new Star Darlings are poised to make their grand debut this fall.
With the centric themes being centered on wishes Star Darlings takes a new edge to the old as time concept of making wishes. From ones that are cast upon starry nights, birthday candles and all of the other things one might wish upon- well, that can add up to a lot of wishes. But how wishes become reality is a major part of the tale as seen in press-releases and summaries such as the following;
Welcome to Starling Academy. Twelve very special students have been selected from this year’s class to reclaim the wish energy that powers their beloved planet, Starland. The Star Darlings, as they are known, take classes where they learn how to grant the wishes made on birthday candles,shooting stars, dandelions, wishbones, and coins tossed into fountains, just to name a few. Their top-secret mission will take them to Wishworld (known in some places as Earth). There they will have to find the Wisher and figure out how to grant the wish before time runs out and they are stuck on Wishworld forever.
With dolls of our Darlings set to release sometime in the upcoming fall season at clothing retailer Justice, and the first two novels centered around two of our twelve characters (Sage and Libby) slated to be releases in less than a month’s time are just a small part of what is to come. Additional array of goods, clothing and web-generated content are perhaps only the begging as to what is on the horizon.
Even though we do not know a great deal about the series and their characters, it does appear that a great deal of heart and effort has been put into the Star Darlings. In some ways it is faintly reminding me of an Italian based series known as Angel’s Friends, but I myself am not sure just why that is. The premise of playing off wishes is something we have not seen something be completely devoted to before and the message about making wishes come true is great. As something that is directed more towards the tween demographic it is a good thing. Tween-hood is often a very awkward period filled with changes and trials, and sometimes dreams and wishes can be tossed to the way-side in favor of other things. More so if it is something less fun of the mill. To have something for fans, even ones younger and older, to remind them of just how important that is and to reinforce going after wishes never hurts.
Join the conversation; have you heard of Star Darlings? Are you looking to the launch? If you want to see reviews about the upcoming books just drop a line and let me know.