Crash & Bernstein is one of our new favorite shows in the house, especially with two boys that are just starting to get into Disney XD. I mean who wouldn’t love a show that involves a puppet named Crash? We had the opportunity to speak with one of the non-puppet stars of the show, Landry Bender, who plays Cleo the sister to Wyatt. Landry Bender talks about the show, her favorite Disney star and many other things in the interview below. Make sure to check out the show, which airs on Monday Nights on Disney XD.
Cleo is just a year younger than Wyatt and shares a bedroom with him. To keep the peace they’ve added a line that separates room right down the middle. But now that Crash is in the picture all bets are off and the battle for room supremacy is in full effect.
BSCKids: Do you have brothers or sisters of your own and how did that help prepare you for this role?
Landry: Actually, I am an only child but that’s what’s been so great about the show. I have a second family on set, We’re all buddies and hang out 24/7.
Do you think of Crash as the character or Tim Lagasse as Crash when you film the show?
Well, off-set I think of him as Tim or ‘Timmy’ but the second we are on-set he really is Crash. When we are working we end up talking right to Crash and not to Tim. We all forget there is a person behind the puppet.
Any behind the scenes funny stories you can tell us while on set?
We have already all bonded pretty well so the pranks are already flying. When we shot the Halloween episode that just aired we used a lot of fake bugs. Oana (Gregory) who plays my big sister Amanda is freaked out by bugs so we put one of the huge plastic cock roaches in her purse. She screamed soooo loud and started crying. I don’t mean to be mean but it was funny. One of the best pranks ever!
Has anyone recognized you from the show yet?
The show only started airing a few weeks ago but I mostly get recognized for a film I shot last year, “The Sitter” with Jonah Hill. It was an R rated movie so most of the kids that will know me from ‘Crash and Bernstein’ HOPEFULLY didn’t see that film. **Giggles…**
Who is the coolest celebrity you have met while being an actress?
I met Dick Van Dyke at the Popper’s Penguins premiere last year. It was great. I have watched so many of his films over and over again while growing up. He was sweet and funny and so nice.
Going to put you on the spot here, favorite Disney star past or present and why?
I have always looked up to Selena Gomez. She pursued both her singing and acting dreams which is what I hope to do too.
Besides your own show what else do you watch on TV?
Of course I watch all the Disney shows but I also watch Glee and Modern Family.
How do you find time to get your school work done?
We have a room on set which we have made into our own little school house. We goof around a lot but somehow manage to get the work done.
What is the hardest part of acting with a puppet?
Truthfully, Tim does it all for us. It’s probably hardest on Tim. He works so hard and somehow after laying on the ground all day manages to get home. *laughs*
What other hobbies do you have?
I like to make movies with my friends. We edit, direct, produce and write them together it’s really fun. I also like going to the beach and hanging out with my dog.
Since you were named after Tom Landry is that why you like wearing hats on the show! Also are you a football fan?
I love wearing hats as Cleo, and Landry. ESPECIALLY fedoras. My parents are sports announcers so I kind of have to like football. 🙂
What would you say your favorite part of being an actress has been so far?
I love sitting with the producers and writers while they’re creating the shows. I would definitely love to work behind the scenes soon, I love the process and everything it takes to make the show come together.
Anything you can tell us about this season of the show? Any favorite scenes?
There’s a ton of funny new things on the show. Cleo may get an assistant, have a love interest, play some football, and of course, lots more to do with my business “CLEOOOOOOOO.”
Are there any new projects, outside of this show, that you can us about that you are working on?
Shooting a series doesn’t leave much free time but when we go on hiatus in January, I hope to do more then!
Why is your brand called “CLEO” (funny voice) instead of normal sounding Cleo? My kids just loved that scene on the show.
Tell them thanks! I love it too. And to be honest I have no idea. She has that weird middle child in her that no one understands.
Special thanks to Landry Bender for taking some time out of her busy schedule to talk to us at BSCkids about her new awesome show Crash and Bernstein. You can find her Bio below.