Scallywags from Gamewright was one of our top choices of the Toy Fair in 2012 and when we were actually able to get our hooks on it and play with the kids we would see how they enjoyed it also. I mean it is a game with pirates and gold coins, what is not for two kids to love?
So the game starts by putting all the coins in the center of everyone playing and however they land is how they will stay (face up or face down) for the remainder of the game. Now you give three cards to each player playing and they keep them hidden from the rest of the pirates (players) at the table. You then have the option of taking a face down coin, playing an action card or discarding an action card and passing. When everyone has six or eight coins, depending on the amount of people playing, the game stops and you get to find out the value of each coin that was face down in your pile. The player with the largest total is the winner!
For me, Scallyways does everything just right. The game time is perfect for a quick game here and there, and the game is fun with a hint of strategy that doesn’t overwhelm the age range playing. The artwork on the playing cards is both funny and engaging, and with the coins being sturdy enough to make this a game you will have for a while. Each card has a great name with a wonderful pirate drawing on it with our favorite being the ARRGH! card because you get to take a coin from your opponent. The Gives Us Me Booty!, Shiver Me Timbers!, Avast Me Hearties!, Hands of me Booty!, Um, Like, Land Ho!, Blow Me Down!, Pieces of Eight! Pieces of Eight!, and Yo Ho Ho! cards are all fun to play and give you a fun chuckle during the game. This is a game where you just can’t help using your pirate accent while playing. Both our 6 and 8-year-old love it, and as an adult it is a lot of fun for us to play as well. Gamewright comes through with another winner.
Ages 8 and up
2 to 6 players
Playing time: 15 Minutes
54 cards
40 coinsHow To Play:
Avast, me hearties! Yer band o’ buccaneers just hauled in a bounty o’ booty and now it be time to divvy up! Spill out the gold and then play cards to claim valuable coins or give the dregs to yer no good opponents. Grab yer fair share, but don’t get too greedy pirate or else ye may end up taking quarters in Davy Jones’s Locker!About This Game:
We’re not sure if Scallywags was created on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th, for those unaware) but it certainly is the perfect game to play during it! With the variety of familiar pirate sayings on the cards, you’ll be yammerin’ like a professional hornswaggler before you know it! Beyond the fun phrases, you’ll also bone up on some key pirate skills like sneaking, bluffing, and swapping. You’ll even learn some elementary strategy while you’re at it as well!Reinforces:
Visual Discrimination
Note: Our copy of Scallywags was provided by Gamewright for review