BSCkids was lucky enough to speak with Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer who plays Kiki on “The Fresh Beat Band” recently. We speak about her time on the show, her music, and what she has planned for the future.
Break-out Cuban beauty Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer stars as the vivacious and spunky, guitar playing dancer “Kiki”, in Nickelodeon’s hit live-action musical series, “Fresh Beat Band,” (daily, 1/12c). The triple threat plays one of four best friends in a band going to music school, who belt out original songs and solve kid-centric problems every week. On the show she has performed alongside musical heavy weights Justin Bieber and Ne-Yo making her an instant YouTube sensation. With an uncanny mix of girl-next-door sweetness and magnetic charisma a this rising star is poised to become one of the brightest newcomers in Hollywood.
BSC KIDS: Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer
BSCKids: Now I already knew you from “The Fresh Beat Band,” as I have three kids of my own, but in doing some background research, I found out that people are really interested in how old you are. Why do you think that is?
Yvette: First off, thanks for watching the show, and concerning the age thing, when it comes down to it, if you are in the media in any way, I guess people are just curious about you in every way. Where are you from, who are you dating, what’s your age? And I suppose it’s a compliment.
How did you get the gig for being Kiki on “The Fresh Beat Band?”
My agent called me saying there was an audition for a new pilot where you have to sing, act, dance and play an instrument and thought I would be perfect for it. I auditioned in New York and was flown out to LA for the screen test. The whole process was actually a lot of fun because I came to the audition and got to sing, play a song on piano, guitar and violin for them and there aren’t many times you get to do that. It was a perfect fit for me.
What has been your favorite song on the show so far?
Well, my favorite song is “A Friend Like You,” which is actually going to be released on Itunes as our next single!
What has been the hardest skit for you? I know you have a dancing background, but do they ever throw anything at you that has been difficult in that sense?
A few weeks ago, we did an episode where a ballet company comes to town and I get the part of the lead ballerina in the show. It wasn’t like “Black Swan” where they were training for 8 hours a day and months ahead of time as we only have a week to rehearse and shoot the episode. That said, having to pull off being a ballerina overnight was quite a challenge indeed and so much fun!
Can you tell us any behind the scene things that have happened on the set that may have been funny?
I can honestly say, that I have never laughed so much during a show as I do on this one. We are on set for so many hours, that there definitely comes a point where we all become slaphappy, and everything becomes entirely too funny. From the four of us singing together or doing all sorts of impersonations, we have stories for days.
Last week we were working with Yo Gabba Gabba and talking about the supposed Apocalypse scheduled for May 21st and the similar Y2K scare. The actress who plays Plex, the robot on YGG was telling us how when Y2K happened, she took all her money out of the bank and was scared; all the while, telling us this story dressed as a robot. It was brilliant and I wish we had recorded it!
Do you get recognized while you are out by the kids?
Sometimes I do, and it is always great to see the myriad of reactions. For example, some kids and their parents recognize you immediately, and because they see you everyday on their TV at home, they are so excited to see you and say hi. Then there are those kids that can’t quite process that you are real and actually standing before them, so they freeze and it is so cute.
Who has been your favorite person that you have gotten to meet because of the show?
Without a doubt, I would have to say it is Mr. Wayne Brady. He is one of the most awesome, talented and genuine people I have ever met. What can I say? I love him!
What do you think “The Fresh Beat Band” show teaches kids?
“The Fresh Beat Band” teaches kids about music appreciation and how to express their feelings and emotions through movement, song and instrumental music. Preschoolers are introduced to music vocabulary, melodies, rhythms and different genres/types of sound and dance. In each episode, the viewers sing and dance along as they help The Fresh Beat Band solve everyday challenges. They also learn the importance of friendship, working together in a positive way and respecting each other’s differences.
Who has been your favorite musical artist that you have played with on the Fresh Beat Band?
Last season, we performed at the Nickelodeon Mega Music Festival in New York and got to sing with Wyclef Jean, Colbie Caillat, The Roots and Justin Bieber!
“Now let us switch gears a bit and talk about some of your personal music and other projects.”
What are you currently working on music wise? I saw you had some singles up on your site, what is coming next?
My next musical venture, is to record and release a single, EP, and album which will be comprised of original music and will be both in English and Spanish.
How would you classify your personal music? Do you have enough time to work on it?
I’m a conduit for so many different genres, and I think my music reflects that. It’s a bilingual project…Spicy soul.
I’ve been blessed enough to be a part of an incredible show and an incredible cast that’s reaching millions and I always find time to be creative and work on what I am so passionate about.
What other shows would you like to be a regular on? Any movie projects that interest you? Is there anything in the works that you can tell us about, other than “The Fresh Beat Band,” in either movie or television?
Aside from my musical career, I would love to be on “Glee,” “True Blood,” and a number of other shows, as well as an animated movie. Also, I would absolutely love to be in a movie musical like “In the Heights” which I was fortunate enough to be a part of. Another project on my wish list, is to originate a role on Broadway.
Can you tell us a little bit about being a member of Global Green?
Global Green is dedicated to fostering a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future by reconnecting humanity with the environment. They are primarily focused on fighting global climate change through green affordable housing initiatives, National Green Schools initiative, national and regional green building policies, advocacy and education. Internationally, Global Green and its affiliates are working toward eliminating weapons of mass destruction that threaten lives and the environment as well as providing clean, safe drinking water for the 2.4 billion people who lack access to clean water. I think it is important to raise awareness regarding what is one of the most important issues facing humanity today.
What does the rest of 2011 hold for you?
I feel that 2011 is going to continue to be an incredibly blessed year, filled with a lot of love, music and performing! I am hoping to release some of my music, perform on tour with the Fresh Beat Band as well as with my own band and simply remain open to all the opportunities and adventures to be had.
Can you tell us anything exciting that is coming soon on “The Fresh Beat Band?”
In the upcoming episodes, there will be lots of amazing and talented guest stars as well as some live performances you won’t want to miss!
A special thanks to Yvette on taking the time to speak to us about “The Fresh Beat Band” as well as her other work. Stay tuned for more exciting interviews in the future!