While we are fairly certain that Selena Gomez and Wizards of Waverly Place will be back for a 4th season, writer Todd J. Greenwald dropped some more knowledge on us via Twitter again. It seems that even though they are almost done shooting season 3 there are still 20 episodes with the gang that we have not seen yet.
Remember everyone…Even though were almost done shooting season 3 we still have about 20 episodes you haven’t seen yet. 😉 That’s about 5 months of new epsiodes every week worth….
So here is my confusion, does that mean that Season 4 is going to be these 20 episodes or that they are showing us these 20 episodes as some sort of Season 3.5? My fear is that they have filmed all the epsidoes of Wizards and that we will just be shown the ones we have not seen yet. Maybe they will all come back together to film some sort of finale though. Here is hoping that I am wrong and we will get fresh Season 4.