I have just returned from Day One at the Toy Fair in the Jacob K. Javits and it was amazing. Even after NY Comic Con and Book Expo America I was not prepared for what the Toy Fair had to offer. You have to remember for NYCC and BEA I might not want to stop at every booth, but for Toy Fair I wanted to stop at every single booth to see what was going on. In the next few days I will tell you about my behind the scenes view at the upcoming Mattel line, and give you some thoughts at the new toys at companies both large and small. There were some very cool toys, that you may not even have heard of yet. For those that said you cannot do Toy Fair in a day are right, but we tried our best. By the way, Jocelin, who also writes for the site went with me and she is 7 months pregnant and what a great Valentine’s Day we had together. Kudos to the press room also, they actually had blankets and pillows and I did see someone taking a nap during the day, and they had candy! The leather chairs were quite comfortable and everyone was extremely nice and outgoing in our time at the press room. I will be doing cross coverage of the event at both BSCreview and here so keep on your feet. Now off to bed, to dream of toys and games.
Toys And Games
Toy Fair 2010 – TIA – Coverage
Toys And Games