Damon Cap

  • Toys And Games
    BSCKids Besties – Toy Fair 2013 Edition

    While we have picked our favorite toys from Toy Fair in the past, this is the year that we will be adding it to our new award system, the BSCkids Bestie Awards. What you see below what we consider our top picks from Toy Fair 2013 (of the products we saw), and...

  • Fashion
    Hickies For Shoes or Sneakers – Review

    Hickies are a great little product that transforms your shoes or sneakers with laces into something much more comfortable that slips right on. You take out your traditional laces and replace them with this elastic system that holds your shoe together. A very impressive idea that has held up well in our...

  • Fashion
    The Mountain Youth Shirts – Review

    There are a few things that I look for in a shirt for the kids, price, quality and something that allows them to express themselves a bit. I know that the kids look for something looks cool, is comfortable and makes a bit of a statement for them. The Mountain has shirts...

  • Food
    Rickland Orchards Greek Yogurt Bars – Review

    We are a Greek Yogurt family, we just love it and when we had the opportunity to try a Greek Yogurt bar that did not have to be refrigerated, we jumped at the chance. When we found out that they would be available in multiple flavors that included – Blueberry Acai, Cherry...

  • Toys And Games
    3 Year Old Girl Christmas Gift Guide – 2012 Edition

    Another year and another gift guide, but I have found that this year has been tough for our Christmas gift giving for our 3-year-old daughter. She is done with all the baby toys and just a little too young for that next step. I think a lot of her being done with...

  • Toys And Games
    Technology Parent Christmas Gift Guide – 2012 Edition

    While we have the lists for the kids which will be coming later in the week, I wanted to start off for a guide that will appeal to both parents and children alike. Some of the present will be good for the parent trying to preserve memories, parents trying to make new...

  • TV Shows
    Should Ian Somerhalder be worried for Nina Dobrev In Vampire Diaires?

    Klaus knows about the hallucinations and gives Stefan and Damon a phone call. Is it creepy that Klaus already knows what is going on and it right outside while calling them from him cell phone? Plans have been ruined by Stefan but it seems that Klaus has the time to wait for...

  • Video Games
    Skylanders Giants By Activision – Review

    Skylanders, sitting proudly on the shelf waiting for their next adventure, ready for whatever is thrown their way. That is how our Skylanders were from the first game were waiting, on a shelf that the boys had put them on, in a place of recognition. They were not like some of the other...

  • Interviews
    Landry Bender of Crash & Bernstein Exclusive Interview

    Crash & Bernstein is one of our new favorite shows in the house, especially with two boys that are just starting to get into Disney XD. I mean who wouldn’t love a show that involves a puppet named Crash? We had the opportunity to speak with one of the non-puppet stars of...

  • Video Games
    The Wii U Hands On At New York Comic Con, Why It Will Succeed

    After coming back from New York Comic Con I was all in on the Wii U and had a very good gut feeling on why Nintendo would be succeeding again with this new console. The technical merits have been discussed over and over, so what I want to explain is how people...

  • Books
    New York Comic Con Experience – Should You Bring The Kids To NYCC?

    The one question I can count on each year from my kids is, “Can we go to Comic-Con?” Followed by “What is Comic-Con like?” So this year I took to the show to help you determine if you should take your kids to the show and if you do what to expect....

  • TV Shows
    Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder Still Have Bite In The Vampire Diaries

    Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder are still keeping The Vampire Diaries super hot as it has been killing in the ratings. Even when it is up against major sports it still finds a way to bite the competition in the rear. With the fourth season premiere now behind us and knowing that...

  • Food
    PURE Glass Bottle – The Search For The Perfect Water Bottle

    The perfect water bottle has always been the elusive dream for many people and Pure comes closer than I have seen in my travels for both kids and adults. Plastic bottles get left in the car and become deformed, make your water taste like plastic, grow mold in them, become hard to clean,...

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